Monday, 15 July 2013

Whats the Story Morning Glory?

Hello to you.
Just a quick post today.
I wanted to share with you some of the flowers that are blooming in the garden this week.

I found this little beauty - a dwarf morning glory, it must have come from one of my butterfly mix seed packets.

Giant Allium


Yellow pretty... It's a mystery to me...! Anyone have any idea what it is?

 Wild Red Poppy.
Cosmos grown from seed.
I am enjoying seeing everything growing.
Hoping your outside space is blooming.






  1. Always love to see your flower photos they are gorgeous I've seen your yellow flower before but can't remember the name - must be something wrong with my kindle again as I tried to leave you a message on your last post - looks like you had a lovely day! :-) x

  2. Absolutely beautiful! I am not sure what the yellow flower is....hopefully someone can tell you :) Thanks for sharing and have a lovely week.


  3. Your flowers are amazing! The morning glory is simply breathtaking...actually, they all are! Enjoy! Chrissie x

  4. You have such beautiful flowers and so much variety! I have morning glories like yours. I planted poppy seeds this year but I don't think any of them grew! I'll have to live vicariously through your beautiful poppy. :)

  5. Oh wow FB - such lovely blooms! Look at the size of that allium, and do you think the yellow may be a type of poppy? I know the petals are heavier than those of the regular poppy but we have a similar flower that comes up (in orange as well) and someone said it was a type of poppy!!!
    Oh your dwarf morning glory suggests lovely crochet colours to me??? More bunting FB?
    Such a lovely time of year for you over there - make hay while the sun shines - and enjoy it!
    Have a fantastic week. Joy xo

    1. Yes it is a type of poppy Joy hooray I know now. Oh yes I hadn't thought of using the colours from the morning glory will have to give it a try. It's nice to be inspired by nature.
      Hope your having a lovely week xx

  6. Gorgeous colourful flowers. That is a very impressive allium!
    M x

  7. Gorgeous flowers, the yellow one looks like what my Mom calls a Welsh Poppy ~ Sarah x

  8. Your flowers are so beautiful! The alliums are gigantic. The artichokes are looking delicious!

  9. Lovely flowers, I like the Allium! I don't have much flower variety in the garden but I'm getting ideas from the blogs I'm reading!

  10. Gorgeous flowers. I love poppies - I think they self seed quite well too which is good as any gardening success I have is more down to luck than good planning. And you have an artichoke! That's very exciting. x

  11. How lovely to have such a good, colourful mixture of plants and flowers. Bright colours and sunshine, it must be summer.
    S xx

  12. Hello! I've popped over from Sue's place at The 8th Gem! Nice to visit you here and see all your lovely flower photos. I also enjoyed seeing your crocheted clutch bag with flower decoration. I'm a big crochet fan as well!
    Have a beautiful weekend! I'm not sure if Wales is experiencing the same heat wave as in England. I'm in Switzerland and it mercifully cooled off here a couple of days ago!

  13. beautiful captures...lovely!

  14. Hi lovely just found you through country rabbit blog, the yellow flower looks like a welsh poppy,We have many in our garden too :)


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