Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Peonies Popping!

Hello, Hello
Hope you've had a lovely week so far?
I thought I'd put in an appearance and do a quickie mid-week post.
My poor daughter was disappointed today because her sports day had to be cancelled due to rainy weather. I have heard that the weather will be much better next week, I've even heard the words
 'heat wave' mentioned. Hopefully it will be rescheduled.
It was only last week my peonies looked like this all hidden away in spherical buds. 

Here they are now in full bloom. Amazing how all those petals fit in that bud.
Thought I'd share a photo of one of my favourite flower beds. It's taken a long time to fill it out, it's only this year I've been truly happy with it.
As you can see I prefer the wild look!
I hope you enjoyed my quick hello.
Enjoy the rest of the week.
Hopefully I will be posting sunnier photos next time.


  1. Your peonies are so pretty! I'm sorry your daughter's sports day was cancelled. Here's to better weather soon so they can have fun!

  2. Those beautiful blooms should cheer you all up - and I love your border, the bursts of colour amongst the greenery...I prefer the 'wild and free' garden look, too! Chrissie x

  3. What a shame, but I've also heard about the weather improvements so fingers crossed. Your Peonies are just beautiful :) xx

  4. Any post - long or short - from you, is lovely FB, thank you!
    I love the English Cottage Garden look and you have it right there - it's beautiful!
    I'm sorry your daughter's sports day was put off - the consolation prize? it's still to come and be enjoyed, which I'm sure she will!
    Your peonies are brilliant - aren't they a fascinating flower!
    I hope the weather forecasters are wrong with their prediction, but if things are anything like as changeable over there as they are here - well- I think you could be in for anything! We had the most brilliant sunny warm day on Monday and since then it's been freezing cold with lots of heavy rain and even high winds - which I don't like through the night!
    Have a wonderful rest-of-the-week FB!
    Joy xo

    1. Hi Joy.
      Thank you it has, believe it or not taken a lot of work to make it look like it hasn't hehe.
      They have now rescheduled the sports day for next Friday so hopefully she will have better weather this time.
      Sounds very changeable where you are I don't like the wind at night either.
      Hope you've enjoyed a lovely week xx

  5. I've heard the words heatwave too although not sure if it will come as far north as here! (fingers crossed)! Your peonies are beautiful! Hope you enjoy your daughter's sports day when it comes :-) x

  6. Your peonies are really pretty. What a shame about sports day, hopefully the weather will improve enough to have it soon.
    M x

  7. Thanks for your comment on mine. I lived on Anglesey for the first 20 odd years of my life and I saw from your profile that you are from North Wales. The peonies have been and gone in our garden - they are such beautiful flowers. Looking forward to getting to know a bit about you.

    1. Your welcome :) I absolutely adore Anglesey we visit a part of it every year. I'm not lucky enough to live near the sea.
      We must be a lot later than you here with the peonies.
      Thanks for stopping in look forward to your next post x

  8. I think I like the spherical buds almost as much as the full open flowers. I wish we had a peony bush. That flower bed is a picture, like a country garden. x

  9. Hi. Thanks for replying on my blog and you're my first member .. . yeah!! Thanks. Your flowers are lush, puts my recent flower post to shame :-)

  10. Your garden looks so lush and colourful. Love the peonies, I used to have some in my garden at my old house. I do miss them. Garden centre here I come.
    S xx

  11. Your flowers are so pretty! Peonies have one of my favorite buds. It is funny because I just put a dark pink peony on my blog in my most recent post just like yours but across the pond. I feel in love with the bloom!

  12. Really pretty flowers!I love your blog. I've nominated you for the Liebster blog award:

  13. Wow, I love love peonies! I had a mixture of pale and hot pink peonies for my wedding bouquet and can't wait to grow my own when I have the outside space :) Hx


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